21st century projects – 3 Techniques to Master

Do you work on a project team? Does your project depend on other projects or teams? Are you challenged by an ever changing priorities? Like many who work in IT, I have shifted from a waterfall project methodology to an agile methodology. It’s still difficult to get the work done without the project becoming unraveled. How do you keep the project on track while still being responsive to changing needs? Here are three techniques to master for 21st century projects.

Think continuous flow

The best image to describe a 21st century project is a traffic circle or rotary. The project, like a traffic circle, is in a constant state of movement. There are times you have to push forward and there are times that you need to yield to other projects or teams. Keep the project on a continuous flow by communicating.   When you fail to communicate, it stops the flow – much like a stalled car in a traffic circle.

Trust the team

Project managers have the tendency to be a gatekeeper. We want to be involved in the decision making and discussion. Whenever the team has to stop to get manager involvement it stops the flow of the project. This is not to say that the team doesn’t need input from business leaders or managers. What it means is that the team should not stop to wait on an answer. Trust and empower the team so that they find ways to keep the project moving in times of uncertainty.

Be open to possibilities

A team that is focused on moving the project forward and who is trusted will find unique answers to problems. 21st century projects need innovative solutions! The project managers need to encourage creativity and let go of preconceived outcomes. Be open to the possibilities of what the team can accomplish.

21st century projects are fluid and dynamic. They require more of team members than ever before. What techniques are you using to meet the demands of 21st century projects?

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