Brainstorming to Greatness

I am a strong believer in the power of positive thinking. Positive thinking comes down to three principles. Dream it, Think it, and Live it. Imagine all the possibilities for your life and see yourself doing those things. Your life is like a blank sheet of paper. You can write on the sheet of things that you want in add in your life or erase from the sheet the things that you want to reduce in your life. Dream big!

Nothing is stopping you from greatness.

When you open yourself to the positive flows of life, magic happens. By being positive and open, opportunities start to present themselves. These opportunities are the small appetizers of the things that you dreamed for yourself. They are a taste of things to come. You can accept the appetizer or not. It’s a sampler. Perhaps you take the opportunity and love it! More will come. Maybe you try the opportunity and it wasn’t for you. No worries. Something else will come along with a slight variation or twist that may be more in line with your dreams. It takes some practice to dream what you want for your life and to take those small opportunities often lead to bigger opportunities. You are able to recognize the opportunity since you imagined it. It may not be exactly what you thought, but you will recognize it.

You are the source of your own greatness.

You need to tap into it. Daydream. Ponder. Imagine. Don’t stunt your dreams by negative thinking. If you hear yourself saying can’t or won’t in your vision of your future, change those words to can and will. If that doesn’t work, rewind your vision back to the point where you are positive and take a different path. The key is feel your vision in your heart and soul. Once you feel it, you start experience it. You are preparing yourself to receive good things. The beauty is that once it shows up you will know it and recognize it like an old friend. You won’t have doubts. You won’t question yourself. You will open your arms to future you imagined.

Journal Exercise: Start with a blank piece of paper. Look at the paper and close your eyes. Relax. Let your mind wander and explore the possibilities. Think of a job you’d like to have, a place you’d like to go, or a relationship that you’d like to have. Create a movie in your mind. Imagine your surroundings. Where is the location? Is the scene taking place indoors or outdoors? Think about what you are wearing. What are you and other people saying? What is the mood of everyone around you? Stay in that moment. You are there – the star in the movie in your mind, but you are also observing and sensing your surroundings. Slowly bring yourself back to the present and open your eyes. You may write in your journal any impressions or keywords from this experience.

You aren’t limited to only one vision of your future.

Our lives have many facets. If you feel bombarded by possibilities, take them one at a time and explore each one separately.

Can’t think of a single thing? Your mind is only going over your to do list for the day and you are thinking about what you need to do. You need to come back to this exercise when you aren’t so stressed. Set aside some time in the early morning or late evening when you feel more relaxed. Try imagining a dream vacation or imagine yourself in a scene of your favorite TV show. After you’ve succeed with vision, come back later and start a new exercise to imagine your future.

Challenge: Do a book search on the powers of positive thinking. Look at several books and find a book that seems right to you. Add it to your library and use it when you feel stalled or uncertain.

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