Feeling Stuck at Work? 3 Ways to Overcome

Are you at risk to spend yet another day at work feeling stuck? Are you overcome with feelings of a dull and monotonous workday? Most of us can relate to feeling a little lackluster in the workplace from time to time but feeling stuck is not a place you want to be in for long. If being stuck contributes to a lack of productivity or interest in engaging at work, what steps can you take to get unstuck?

It was during a season of my career that I experienced and wondered, what’s the point? I confided in a colleague for support, advice, and possibly, a kick in the seat to help me get back on track. Instead of trying to tackle each of the challenges, my contact offered some great advice and I want to share it with you. He suggested that I just needed to “be more creative”.

Leverage Creativity to Get Unstuck | 3 Ways

Being creative brings energy to the situation and this open the doors to explore a childlike approach to your work. To help you get unstuck in the workplace, consider these three ways.

Shift Perspective

Look at your challenges from a different perspective.  One of my favorite techniques is to change my perspective and look at the problem from different angles top down or outside looking in.  How can the problem be re-shaped or molded into something different?  Find one or two things to shake things up.

Let Go of Tunnel Vision

When daily work has settled into a rut and everyone is going along with “it has always been this way” a little creative shake up can inspire yourself and others to action and leave tunnel vision behind. What challenge are you facing?  Consider using creative problem solving techniques to find an unconventional solution.

Expand Your Horizons

Michael Michalko’s book Tinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques has great examples that you can try to help you tap into your inner creativity. Be more creative in your day to find joy and adventure!

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